Saturday, April 14, 2007

Jammies from Scrubs

Gina: When I wrote that title, I was thinking about "like blood from a stone," or "Like Water for Chocolate." Anyway. This is sort of "chapter two" of the scrubs post... As I may have mentioned, in 2005 I got a job on the weekends at Joanne Fabric, one that was closing out all of of its merchandise so that one of the really big ones could open down the street. I went absolutely berserk buying fabric with the one-two punch of up to 90% off, plus my 15% employee discount. For those who are math whizzes, that's like them paying me to take it away. And I did.

I eventually came to the conclusion that if one is only making $20-40 per weekend, and spending all of that on fabric, that it is sort of a false economy to keep one's job... And school eventually overwhelmed my ability to keep up and still see my husband once per week. But it was a fun ride while it lasted! You should see the trunkload of material I could get for that twenty bucks!

I have a weakness for anything with a "food" print on it (see my other blog), so I got some pizza print and some ice cream printed flannel, and made them into pajama bottoms. There wasn't too much of the pizza print available, so I had to make them into little shorty pants. I used the scrubs pattern, with a simple elastic waistband.

With my newly acquired french-seaming skills, these have held up really well. They're tough little pj's!

I still have a couple of flannel prints that I'll be doing the same thing with... Can't wait until I have more time to sew in a few weeks!

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