Monday, November 17, 2008

Weird Shirt

Last year, Chris and I went to a Weird Al concert in Milwaukee: the GREATEST CONCERT OF MY LIFE. (And no, it wasn't my first concert.) I knew we were sitting in the front row (yeah, NOT easy to score if you are familiar with the screaming hoards of nerdball Al maniacs), so I had to represent. A t-shirt was necessary to let Al know that I'd been with him since the beginning: third grade, when I first snotted to the tune of "Another One Rides the Bus." But many weeks of browsing Ebay yielded nothing in my size. But who needs your size when you have skillz? I got a size large shirt and customized it.

I used the book "Generation T: 108 Ways to Transform a T-Shirt." I chose one that was ruched on the sides. First, I got a shirt that I already had and knew fit well to use as a template. Then I traced a bit larger than that to figure in seam allowances, and a few inches longer so that it could be gathered.

In this design, you cut strips to use as the ruching cord. Then you sew the seam allowances to the outside, and sew them down so that they form tubes to thread the cord through. You weave the cord up one side and out under the arm, then down through the other tube. Then you tie them at the bottom on either side. White trash-a-licious.

The neck holes and the arm holes can stay unfinished, because you're using jersey knit, which won't unravel (the whole book is really based on this principle.) I cut a slit in the top, and sewed a small piece of extended elastic at the bust for a nice little gather. The shirt came out really well, and the evening was a total success, except for the time Al looked right at me and I was singing the WRONG WORDS. He pointed at me, like, "NOW sing that line!" one line later. Doh! I'm sorry Al! I love you!

Incidentally, I didn't post these pictures last year in part because I was afraid they MADE ME LOOK FAT. Um, yeah. And now? I just look at them late at night and allow a single tear to trickle slowly down my cheek.

When this shirt fits again, I'll know the pregnancy weight is off!


  1. I need that t-shirt book because I have a gigantic t-shirt (what can I say? it was the 90s.) from the Lilith Fair that is complete unwearable as it is right now. Of course, part of the reason is that it features a naked lady and I can't walk around town (one of the perils of being a teacher) wearing a t-shirt with a naked lady on it.

    But one day, when I am retired and no longer have to worry about the impressionable youth I teach (actually, I guess it's the parents I'm worried about!) I will wear my remade Lilith t-shirt proudly! So, can I borrow that book sometime before 2040?

  2. Abso-friggin'-lutely!! And you will be the coolest older lady in town.

  3. Aw, honey, with that sideview, how could you have ever thought you looked fat in those pictures? Don't worry, you'll get it back. But, I'm thinking ruching might be a good way to hide a little muffin-top...just thinking ahead for myself...

  4. Thanks so much for this great idea! I just resized a free shirt I got when I gave blood. I liked the shirt but it was so big. But after looking at your picture (which does NOT make you look fat!) I figured out how to redo it to fit! Thanks again!

  5. Yay! Thanks for reading. I'm gonna be reviving this blog soon. Since this post, I've lost the PG weight, then had another baby! Time for another post, I'd say.

    Anyone called "Mathgeek" is all right with me. :)

  6. That's a really nice mod on that T shirt. Makes it look a lot more feminine (not a general feature of Weird Al concert tees). Yeah, a little embarrassing to be caught singing the wrong words, but not NEARLY as bad as the time I was an hour late for a concert and had to sneak into my 3rd row seat during Smells Like Nirvana under Al's watchful gaze.
