Ok, so Gina came up with
one use for old t-shirts. This past week, I helped Maya clean all the too-small clothes out of her closet, and came up with another use for old t-shirts, when she looked heart-broken that I asked her to give up her beloved Hello Kitty t-shirt. Darn all that "growing"!I'm sure y'all know how to make a pillow...so I won't bore you with the details.

I will say, however, that after I was done I had a "wish I had done it differently" moment. The knit t-shirt material is so stretchy, that it makes the pillow pooch all out deformed-like on the front side. If I had been smarter, I would have sewn the shirt square flat to a piece of the polyester fabric, THEN sewn it on to the back of the pillow before stuffing. The added layer of polyester would have given the front a lot better shape.

Here's the back (all nice and normal and pillow-looking).

And here's the front (all crazy and pooching out at the sides and whatnot.)But whatever. Maya is only 4 and she thinks this pillow is the best thing ever. Probably because it has SPARKLES!
Ok, I posted those last 2 pictures backwards, but you get the idea. Crazy front poochy side was obviously the one with Hello Kitty on it.
I like the stretchy look. It looks like you were going for a specific, "potbelly" look.
Eva would love this...great idea!
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